October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


What You See Is (not always) What you Get (but it can be)

Configuring WYSIWYG editors and image handling is a laborious process, riddled with caveats and best practices. The number of contributed modules extending the WYSIWYG experience is vast, and their configuration can be a quagmire.

Likely you're already part of the way with your configuration. We'll aim to provide concepts for

What we'll cover

  • We'll go over how to consider input format creation.
  • We'll look at how (and why) to configure better_formats and wysiwyg_filter.
  • We'll talk about inline image options and why you might choose one method over another (IMCE vs insert).
  • We'll cover some helper modules and configurations for image handling (filefield_paths, filefield_sources, pathauto , transliteration, insert, image_resize_filter, imce).
  • We'll touch briefly on building Features of your configurations, and also pushing configuration into profiles
  • We'll look at both D6 and D7, but mostly 7.

  • The methodology we'll follow is explained step by step in this google doc.

    Install profile is here


    Schedule info

    Dwinelle 155