October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world



It's All Happening

**Getting to BADcamp/Parking**
There is no Cal Football game this year, so parking should be MUCH
easier than last year. By all means, take BART if you can - it's closer
than almost anywhere you can park and cheaper. See the map here:
http://2011.badcamp.net/logistics/directions. But if you are bringing
your car to BADcamp, grab a buddy and check out our handy map here:

**Registration - Saturday & Sunday, 8:30am-9:30am**
Registration, as well as many of our sessions, will be in Dwinelle Plaza
on the Berkeley Campus. Yes, we have a map for that:
Join us at 8:30 for coffee, vegan donuts, & bagels, and get your BADcamp
badge, schedule, and wi-fi access code.

Core Developer Summit at BADcamp

BADCamp is only a few short weeks away, and with nearly 1,300 attendees so far, it’s guaranteed to be a blast!

One of the key events at BADCamp is the Core developer summit. What is it? How does it work? I’m so glad you asked!

Higher Education Drupal Summit Coming to BADCamp 2011

In keeping with our university setting, this year's BADCamp will host its first Higher Education Drupal Summit. In attendance will be Drupalers from Stanford University, Saint Mary's College, Portland State University, as well as UCs and CSUs from one end of the state to the other. Let's take this opportunity to compare notes.

Last day to vote

Today is your last day to vote on all the wonderful sessions proposed this year. Tonight we'll start the process of session selection and scheduling, so be sure to let us know what you want to see before 5pm, California time.

Thanks for your session submissions. Be sure to vote for your favorite sessions by the 19th!

September 12th is the deadline to submit a session for Bay Area Drupal Camp!

You have until midnight Pacific time to submit your session at http://2011.badcamp.net/node/add/session (after logging in).

Voting on sessions will start at midnight and continue for the next week, and the final program will be announced on September 19th.

Five-hundred attendees registered in under Five days

BADcamp had 500 Drupalistas register in under five days. The community is obviously very excited about the event this year, and rightly so!

We have a sophisticated keynote event planned, and sessions from the brightest minds in Drupal. Expect this year’s camp to be THE Drupal event of the year. Get registered and get in on the biggest, BADdest Drupal Camp in the country. It would be a shame if you missed out!

See you there!

Registration is open

The time has come, and this year is going to be a blast.

We have some great pre-conference activities in store for you on October 21st, including a Core Developer Summit, a Non-Profit Summit, a Higher Education Summit, and lots of Free Drupal training.

The main conference, Saturday Oct 22nd and Sunday Oct 23rd, will be packed with sessions, birds of a feather gatherings, users-helping-users, and sprints.