October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


Using Drupal as an Application Development Platform

Drupal isn't a content management system. It's an application development platform that happens to ship with a great CMS as its default implementation.

Look at any chart comparing features of development frameworks and you'll see user management and authentication, forms management and validation, data storage, database migrations, internationalization and translation, MVC model with flexible templating, unit testing, and caching. Sounds a lot like Drupal.

We'll look at why Drupal is an ideal application development platform for apps beyond content management, talk about where Drupal can improve in these areas, and look at an example application.

You'll leave the session inspired try Drupal for your next web development project, even if what you normally think of as content management isn't involved at all.
