October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


Simple DevOps Using Jenkins

You will learn how to install Jenkins, use it to automatically backup Drupal sites, promote changes from development to staging to production, roll back failed changes, and perform some simple automated tests. The target audience is individual developers or small shops, and the goal is show that sophisticated DevOps doesn't have to have a lot of overhead, and can pay for itself quickly.

This presentation will cover a simple setup of a Jenkins (it can even run on your laptop), and a set of scripts will be demonstrated that enable the following workflow:

* Run Drupal Cron from Jenkins via drush
* Create backups
* Restore from backups
* Refresh a development environment with the database from live
* Update stage, triggered on a commit to version control
* Update production, manually triggered after testing stage

If the internet connection permits, as much as this will done live as possible; slides and screenshots will be a fallback. Electronic copy of the scripts and other files will be provided, so that attendees can modify and use them.
