October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


Prepare to Scale

"Failures don't plan to fail; they fail to plan." - Harvey Mackay

Creating scalable and high-performing websites is both an art and a science. Some of the concepts can take days, weeks, months or even years to develop expertise, but every developer can do certain things to set up a site for success.

In this presentation, I'll discuss a bevy of topics leveraged for scaling websites today. I'll cover the following high-level points, how to incorporate them in simple websites, and where they fit in your overall infrastructure as your site grows:
- Web Servers: Apache, Nginx
- Databases: MyISAM vs InnoDB, MariaDB, MongoDB
- Opcode Caching: eAccelerator, XCache, APC
- Static Caching Modules: Boost, AuthCache, Ajaxify Regions/Blocks
- Static Caching Tech: Squid, Varnish, AICache, CDNs
- Object Caching: APC, Memcache
- Search: Solr

The presentation will cover most of the subject matter at a high level to give you a reasonable understanding of the technologies at play. The presentation is geared to provide introductory information for beginners and a slightly more robust understanding of the why and how for intermediate developers.
