October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


Outside the Garden: Intro to RaphaelJS

RaphaëlJS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for drawing and animating with SVG and VML. If you've ever wanted to include simple animations or image effects on the web without Flash (and/or that will work on iOS) you should learn about Raphaël!

In this session, we'll cover the basics of Raphaël -- understanding the "paper," how to draw and position shape primatives, working with text and custom fonts, manipulating objects with rotation, scaling and translation and adding interactivity.

We'll also take a look at real-world uses of Raphaël in a simple Drupal module and in a live interactive data visualization for one of our clients.

The presentation outline is available here: http://tha.cm/capitalcamp-outside-the-garden .
