October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


Displays and Views 'Guts and Glory' Theming without Coding

This session will provide an introductory perspective and practical demonstration on display and theming. The goal is to work with a content type, discover how the displays for node and teaser view can be altered, then utilize the content type, it's node, teaser, and individual fields for specific display results. Specifically we will be working with D7 and a simple "Employee" content type that has several fields (First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Photo, Title, and Body) and show how to manipulate the display without the use of php code, template files, or plugins.

  • Understanding of some of the basic node/teaser display settings.
  • Adjusting and understanding default views HTML markup
  • Displaying/changing the Node and Teaser with basic drupal interface adjustments.
  • Displaying Teasers like on the homepage, within your own view with added control and theming options.
  • Display Nodes, like on the homepage(teasers) but with some additional jQuery.
  • Working with Rows, Fields, and Style Options
  • Overwriting displays with a Custom Field (no template required)
  • Tools, Tricks, and Advice for Theming in Views