October 21 to 23, 2011

UC Berkeley, California

A culmination of the brightest Drupal minds in the technology hub of the world


California Legislative Updates: and their impact(s) on you and your business

Please note: this is a sample outline that can be tailored to fit your specific needs. Additionally, should you want more specific outlines; I have no problem providing them. I look forward to working with the events committee on this project.

This seminar will host at least 2 speakers - Michael Ross and a State Senator or Assembly person. Said representative will represent the district Berkeley resides in.

a. Basics: Congressional and State actions
i. How internet taxation will either help or harm you
ii. Overview of Amazon v. brick and mortar
b. Additional Issues
i. How to find additional issues at the national and state level(s)
c. Total time: 40 minutes
i. Speaking 20
ii. Questions 20

Who is Michael Ross?
Michael Ross is a 54 year old California native who has worked in or, around the California State Legislature since 1977. As a registered Lobbyist, Michael specializes in Republican based Consumer Protection Issues and has worked on the passage or defeat of over 2,500 bills, resolutions and amendments. In previous legislative sessions, Michael has weighed in on a variety of issues ranging from: Lemon Automobiles, Pet Sales and Item Pricing to Sports Franchise Relocation, Telecommunications (Sub-minute Billing), and officially defining the terms Malware and Spyware. To support his efforts, Michael is a credentialed teacher, law school graduate and hopefully budding drupal designer who has worked for not-for-profits, bought and sold domain names, run a newspaper and dabbled both international affairs and business. This legislative session, Michael focused his attention on language he is sponsoring in three measures: Financial literacy (AB 597 – Enrolled – to Governor for signature); Tax exemptions for consumers who invest in NYSE and NASDAQ companies headquartered in California (AB 577) and California’s official foreign relations stance regarding (supporting) Israel (ACR 65). Michael can be reached by email at ssorleahcim@comcast.net or phone: 916.923.2215.
