Build an App for Drupal7
Have a great piece of Drupal functionality that you'd like to see used in D7 Drupal distributions? Why not build an app for it?
The Drupal Apps module was built to solve a common technical problem: how can we use Drupal to package up functionality in a way that makes it simple to find, install, and use for site builders?
Apps are built on existing Drupal building blocks - modules, Features, and Kit-compliance - and thanks to the Open App Standard, can be interoperable between different Drupal distributions. Best of all, apps are simple to create. How simple? We'll show you! In this session, we'll pair up with a local developer with a great idea for an app and build one live - in the course of one session, and add it to the OpenPublic app console, ready to be installed by distribution users in a single click.
This session is great for developers who want to build apps for Drupal distributions, and for site builders who want to see how apps can help them add functionality to their web sites more easily.
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